Preparation Time: 2 hours
Cooking Time: 25 min

Wood Species: Apple
Wood Type: Logs

8-10 Logs
800g All Purpose Flour
120g Whole Wheat Flour
350ml Warm Water
4 tsp Dry Yeast
1 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 tbsp Rapeseed Oil



1. In a large bowl, mix together the two flours and stir in all but a few tablespoons of the water. Set to one side for 30 minutes. Don’t worry if the dough seems a little dry. In a separate bowl combine the yeast, sugar and remaining water and also set to one side for 30 minutes. The yeast mixture will become frothy.

2. Combine the yeast mixture with the dough mixture plus the salt and mix together until smooth, this should take 2 or 3 minutes. Set to one side to rest for a further 30 minutes.

3. Using a bench scraper or your hands, fold the dough oven itself 4 or 5 times to build its structure, then set aside for another 30 minutes in the same bowl. 

4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and portion into equal 12 pieces. Using both hands and a little flour round the pieces tightly into a ball and place on a baking sheet in a large tray. Brush the dough balls with a little oil, cover with cling film and place in the fridge overnight. 

5. When ready to bake, get your pizza oven temperature up to 50o degrees. Remove the dough from the fridge and with a rolling pin on a floured surface, roll out each portion into a 5 inch diameter. Depending on the size of you oven you can bake them one at a time, or more if your oven is large.

6. Place the circles of dough on a hot stone and bake until the pittas puff up and are lightly golden, 3 or 4 minutes should do. Pull the pitas out of the oven using a peel and cool whilst you bake the rest.

Don’t stack them up until they are all cool as they will sweat.

Enjoy as they are, or cut one side and stuff full of your favourite wood fired fillings.